About Us

Acme Termite offers a professional, environmently friendly service in all areas of pest eradication, both residential and commercial.

Termite Control for residential, commercial properties, escrow, damaged wood replacement

ACME TERMITE COMPANY specializes in termites and wood-destroying pests and organisms only; as a specialist in termite control our family-owned company will treat your investment like it’s our investment.

Termite infestation is typically undetected until serious damage has occurred. A thorough Termite Inspection of your residence or commercial property is the key to detecting and stopping structural damage. All termite species eat 24 hours a day and their colonies' longevity lasts decades. Industry statistics document $5 Billion in damage in the US alone, per year, although the dollar amount is likely higher than that. Other causes of structural wood framing damage to your dwelling can be one of or a combination of the aforementioned and fungus damage/dryrot, various wood-destroying beetle infestation, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, or moisture. Since insurance does not cover termite damage and given the fact that most people list their residence or commercial property as their single largest investment, termite infestation and damage can be devastating

Acme Termite Company will come, at no charge, to your residence or commercial property to provide a professional and thorough FREE termite inspection which includes a FREE written report, an estimate detailing any wood destroying pest or organism, and measures to put your property back in order.

termite problem

  • Termite Treatment
  • Termite Fumigation
  • Termite Control
  • Termite Extermination
  • Orange Oil Termite Treatment
  • Termite Inspection
  • Termite Exterminator